Dear friends,
More than 2,000 students and teachers marched through the streets of Puerto Berrio on March 17 to protest the killing of a teacher and his wife. Duvian Rojo and Veronica Cadavid were killed by two gunmen in the center of town on the evening of March 13. Puerto Berrio is controlled by paramilitary death squads that have relations with the police and military, and the killing occurred just two blocks from the police station. Duvian and Veronica were the parents of twins that are less than a year old.
The paramilitaries have been extorting more than 20 teachers in the town – demanding that they pay protection money in order to avoid being killed. Duvian filed a complaint with the prosecutor’s office that led to the arrest of two men, although none of the paramilitary leaders were arrested. His colleagues believe that he was killed in retaliation for speaking out about the extortions.
I felt a lot of tension at the beginning of the march, more so than at any other activity I’ve accompanied here in Colombia. I asked the parish priest, who had invited us to the march, if I could take some photos. He responded that it would be better if I did not. One of my teammates, who had been married by the priest, talked to him later and he agreed to let me get some shots. I was introduced to a man who then walked with me to the front of the march. The march stretched out for several blocks and it was very inspiring to see so many students in the streets of Puerto Berrio.
We met with a group of teachers after the march in the church, Our Lady of Sorrows. One man was wearing a t-shirt with a photo of Duvian that read, “Friend Duvian, you will always be in our hearts.” The teachers were very concerned about their safety and asked us to not mention their names. “You wonder if you’ll be the next victim,” one of them told us.
They described the relationship of the paramilitaries with the police and military. “These groups are mixed together with the authorities.” They also talked about the location of the killing – two policemen are usually stationed there and it’s near the station. “They (the killers) exited to the left and the police came in from the right.”
Puerto Berrio is a town of 50,000 inhabitants, located two hours south of Barrancabermeja. Two paramilitary groups are fighting for control of the cocaine trade in the region, and one of those groups has apparently entered into an alliance with the National Army of Liberation (ELN) guerrillas. The priest told us that three to four people were killed each week in Puerto Berrio during February. In the midst of all this, the teachers are determined to continue forward and to denounce the abuses that occur in their town.
Sister Miriam accompanies workers in the palm oil plantations near Barrancabermeja. During the meeting with the teachers, she said “Peace can appear to be a distant dream. However, there are new sprouts and signs of hope. We’re weaving together networks of people.”
In love and solidarity,
1 – 200 of 457 Newer› Newest»Shortly before the round of budget cuts which resulted in the loss of one my final jobs before I sought an early retirement,I was asked by our union president to sit as a member of the committee which was charged with attempting to find positions for those in the group scheduled to lose positions. Many of those scheduled to lose jobs had sought and received special training (as I had done) to serve in positions providing services to assist students who were at potential risk of dropping out of our school system here. At the meetings, some tears were shed since it was obvious that not all of us would be finding new positions. Although I continue to seek and find the good in this world and in the universe, I cannot deny the sense of loss which I can feel knowing how many good intentions, and preparations to address the problems of our schools have been undermined by ongoing budget cuts. Our union president commented that, instead of separating us from service, the school districts should have been developing our talents which were offered willingly and enthusiastically to stem the early drop out rates which involve too many of our students. Sardonically, the public schools here in California are referred to by some at this point as the location of the "school to prison pipeline" since too many of the student in our schools are not being given the resources necessary to succeed outside of a penal institution. While it has been heartening to see this picture of folks marching on behalf of the lives of teachers in Colombia, I am still at something of a loss in coming to terms with what continues to happen to public schools nationally here in the United States as budgets are slashed. Thanks for this inspirational photo, Scott. I count it as a brighter spot in the panorama of world events. Our marches here at the capitol in Sacramento seem to be underreported by the major news media here, but signs of change do exist. Regards, Cousin Alexis
Recently, at a demonstration here in Sacramento against the budget cuts to education, one of the speakers pointed out to those in attendance-as well as to the available media- that even though education is expensive, ignorance is more expensive. This is a point well taken for all of us. While possibly some of our current disasters may be unpreventable,it appears that we are courting a future of environmental disasters with profound social consequencs that could effect each one of us if we don't look at the facts. As Scott has alluded to in the past, sometimes it is tempting to look at the faults of others rather than to see the flaws in ourselves and in our own organizations. Years ago, I was taught about the "carrying capacity" of this planet in an environmental studies class. In the context where I learned about it "carrying capacity" had to do with the size of population that can be supported on this planet with available resources. Although I have wondered if the concept of "carrying capacity" is entirely valid, it appears from what I observe here in California that it is in fact the case that the population, at least in Sacramento, is exceeding the resource base. As an educator, I have wanted learning experiences to be fairly gentle and supportive because that is how I prefer to learn. As a compassionate person I don't like to see others, especially the innocent, experience profound pain and death. Ignoring the facts, however, is destined to create very difficult and even devastating learning experiences for many of us in the world community. Hurricane Katrina, the current massive oil spill, and the increasing intensity of weather events are generating learning experiences that are not, and will not be gentle for all of us. Perhaps I am only restating what is obvious by pointing this out, but history does show evidence that there are entire cultures which have disappeared because they miscalculated the limits of resources. Being "indigenous" for example, has not prevented certain communities from creating disasters that teach painful lessons. At this point, we as an entire human race, seem to need to be aware that there is no special status which prevents any of us from having very harsh learning experiences which are in part generated by our desire to avoid the unpleasant facts of cause and effect. Here in Sacramento, we live at the confluence of two major rivers and are at risk of a Katrina sized flood. Nevertheless, due to the need for housing for our ever increasing population, we are building housing on the flood plain. We are also covering farmland with housing. As a human community, we are in part "victims" of our own successes at surviving. It is in our best interest to see that fact for what it is, I believe. Many of the necessary changes can only be made collectively, and unfortunately it appears that the pain of future disaster may be the teacher to which we will respond most readily...whatever the slant of our political and theological leanings. Cousin Alexis
Happy Belated Birthday,Scott. I didn't have time to get a card in the mail. Thankfully, the drug traffickers who were living on the corner are long since gone, but due to the gang style stake out at our local post office where we had moved our mail after vandalism on the neighborhood I have been busy looking for a possible location to live where there is a possibility of evading harassment from gangs. I often think of you fondly and wish you the best. Cousin Alexis
It may not be possible for us to make a move before my husband retires, and the "reality" is that we live in a very nice home with room for a garden. I simply need to get over the fact that even with our ample middle class income, our area was so full of criminals in the past that there was one occasion that a car was parked across my driveway attempting to prevent me from going to work. The intention of such an act appeared to be to make the area safe for criminal behavior, due to the fact that the drug runners didn't like the residents here calling the police in response to illicit activities. The fear of crime affects our property values. Given that it is known in sociological literature exactly the types of ratios of social workers and psychologists needed to prevent youth from becoming involved in gangs, but we have failed to make that investment as a society, I find it frustrating that I had to confront crime on that level right on my neighborhood. Nonetheless, things have improved now vastly. Sometimes it seems as if few actually read my postings except possibly some members of our intelligence community as myself and a friend of mine, a registered nurse, have noticed some apparent harassment. Drug trafficking will never form the basis for constructive economic development plan, and most thinking Americans realize that the corruption in our own government is partly to blame. The economic woes we are experiencing are allowing criminal behavior to "flower".
This is not a good scenario for raising our children. Take care, Scott. Cousin Alexis
My husband is reaching his 60th birthday...the most amazing gifts are beyond calculation of price. For example, the pumpkin which is growing in our garden. We did not plant pumpkin this year...but there it is!
I hope to take an economics class in the fall to try to gain further understanding of the "markets" and how it is we collectively avoided intelligent regulation or guidance of our economic actions until the latest set of woes had set us up for profound market volatility. Knitting, blogging, looking at the sky, and watching our retirement accounts in their odd circumlocutions make for some interesting living. I am beginning to learn about gardening earlier than I had anticipated, and share an interest in learning nontoxic gardening methods with many others. Regards, Cousin Alexis
There is a certain type of irony, it seems, in a North American down winder signing up for an economics class here in one of the major nuclear armed countries. I have to laugh under my breath wondering if all of the innocent casualties of the modern era of weapons of mass destruction really care what the economic philosophies of the combatants involve. I struggle to care...after all, here in the land of the free, it is important to have an ideological framework of some kind to under gird the fact that I vote. I survived long enough to vote...which in retrospect seems oddly amusing. The class for which I have registered is a class required in California for students matriculating into graduate programs in International Development. Sometimes, when madness seems to reign supreme in the human community in the form of wars, gang violence, interpersonal conflict, environmental collapse, and the whole panoply of concerns which affect us all I wonder of International Development really exists. Cousin Alexis
My husband and I went to see a movie to commemorate August 6th (remember my fellow down winders in Hiroshima and Nagasaki?). It seemed from what the movie indicated that there has been quite a decrease in the number of nuclear weapons...down from over sixty thousand world wide to under twenty five thousand. This is Cousin Invisible, o my...I forgot my name. Regards, Cousin Ale...xis?
The recent British petroleum spill which harmed the resource base of fisherman and others in Louisiana, and the problems being experienced by down winders from the years of atmospheric weapons testing in North America, and other countries created a common dilemma...how to respond creatively and constructively to environmental disasters created largely by human activities. Civil society in Colombia also shares the dilemma of how to respond to massive environmental harm, and there are other examples. After President Obama campaigned on promises of advancing the causes of peace and social justice, many are noting that his budget for nuclear weapons is quite high. It seems incumbent upon those of us, whose families lived in areas downwind of those atmospheric tests, to point out that nuclear weapons, which indiscriminately kill civilians, and leave virtually permanent environmental and biological damage after their use are in fact not defensive weapons at all, but are instruments of global destruction...suicidal weapons. Sacrificing the lives and health of future generations to maintain these weapons, along with the threat and possible reality of their use, damages the world community in ways that should not and cannot be condoned. I am not the best spokesperson on the issue of nuclear disarmament, but I must speak out...regardless of weather I am heard by those with the power to make ultimate decisions. Cousin Alexis
There is much about my personal life that I am omitting from this blog...much which might help someone else, but which contradicts my sense of what I should be as a person, and so they are issues I don't necessarily want to discuss in a public context. Much of what I find almost incomprehensible to resolve, and creates a certain anger within at times goes back to the initial psychological wound that I experienced when my Mother shared her belief that the nuclear testing in the Nevada dessert was harmful to her and her pregnancy with my sibling. By external standards, I have accomplished much in having achieved a middle class economic life style, but my sense of distrust in life is at times quite overwhelming, and it has been intensified by the level of criminal behavior to which I have been exposed here in the United States. The level of post traumatic stress syndrome I experience has the potential to interfere with my marriage, and it is only a fortunate twist of fate that I live in a community where there is lower cost housing for me should I feel required to leave my marriage permanently due to my own fears which create irrational responses from time to time. No psychiatrist will ever quite comprehend the level of distrust generated in my life by my knowing that areas of the country that I had familial roots were essentially in a "sacrifice zone" and were contaminated by our own governmental actions. For people like myself all over the world, I cannot imagine a more terrifying fate than to have lived in such a threatened state as existed during the years of atmospheric nuclear testing. Cousin Alexis
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There is ample evidence, every day that more good than evil is occurring, and there is also evidence that the world will one day turn away from dependence on nuclear weapons. The conventional wisdom that maintaining those weapons has prevented a third world war with conventional weapons may have some truth to it, but the costs involved with maintaining and preserving the possibility of using them will hopefully, one day, render them obsolete. Cousin Alexis
In the early 1990's, I heard on the radio poetry that matched my life experience...I heard the words: I belong to the clan of one breasted women. Searching for the writer of those words took me to a doctor,who was the son of the female doctor who had finally found a huge tumor...in one of my family members. I explained what I had heard on the radio...he suggested I call the University of Utah, because the only detail I could remember besides the horrifying allusion to ill health was that the writer of the poem was from Utah. For me, the saga of that early psychological wound had entered another chapter. Perhaps I can call it the beginning of my absolute loss of innocence and beginning of a nightmarish view of the world. Should I take time to explain?...I could teach a course on "downwind effects", but to make a long story short, let me just comment that death from radiation exposure in the environment can make the sufferings of Christ look like a walk in the park. Without some form of universal health insurance, those made ill have been dying tortured, invisible deaths in families across the country. Who will write about them? Cousin Alexis
Given that I notice the fact that the comments on this blog, Scott, become obscured over time by meaninglessness and languages other than English or Spanish, I have decided to answer the meaninglessness with my own...so here goes...down winder is a term which refers to a number of situations, but in this case it refers to the effects being experienced by people who lived near the nuclear test sight in Nevada. Since, as a country, we will never be able to repair that damage and neither will the other countries who participated in nuclear weapons technology proliferation, I will simply commemorate the loss of life and trust in the governments of the world by remembering the situation on this blog. Apologies for my lack of eloquence and my obstinate refusal to forget the situation. "Down winder" is not a word which should be easily forgotten or obscured on this, or any blog spot...so I will go back and add it to the other blog spots which are being obscured...why not? Cousin Alexis
I am sure that any student who takes micro and macro economics these days finds the propaganda about the wonderful potential future of globalization in trade to be fascinating...as I find it. My instructor's wife recently died of cancer. I just met the man, and have worried about whether he will be able to continue to teaching due to his breaking down in tears from time to time. Cancer, of course, has been around forever, but the types of pollution our economy has created seem to be making it an ever present fact in many lives. Glowing statistics about the wonders of globalization don't always assuage the sadness we can feel as we lose our jobs and our loved ones. Regards, Cousin Alexis
Scott, your pictures are a testament to the beauty on this planet...thanks for sending them. A future free of nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction would be a fitting way that we, as a human race, could express our gratitude for the beauty and bounty we receive on this planet. Beauty, such as we see in your pictures should inspire reverence and cause us to be sorrowful for the ways we contribute to the environmental problems we have created as a human race. The only apology we human beings can make to our Mother earth for our warlike and despoiling behavior is to change that behavior. Thanks again, Cousin Alexis
Scott, personal messages of mine to you often bounce back...here on this blog spot the messages often remain until they become obscured by some unknown mechanism. The recent message I sent to you was expressing further appreciation of the pictures received of your trip in Canada. The pictures are so exquisite that no comment really does them justice. Still, I wanted to thank you again for the wonderful reminder of the natural world, as those pictures seem to say that we humans, with our frequently too narrow focus upon our own needs, are not the most important power in this world. The pictures show us the exquisite natural world that we can never create for ourselves, but that we seem to often verge on destroying. In my current economics classes, there is a sterile term "negative externality" used to describe things like unexpected consequences of pollution. In my view, sterile terms such as that limit our ability to be sensitive to true harm done to ourselves and the natural world in similar ways that terms like "collateral damage" cause us to come to accept civilian casualties in a war zone. Given that my personal message about this to you bounced back, I am placing this message on your blog spot with my observation that the insensitivity to life evident even in our economic language is harming us, and the current economic downturn, in my view is providing evidence of what happens when we fail to understand the consequences of our actions. Perhaps we are beginning to understand the consequences now through the pain of loss many of us are experiencing. Your pictures of the natural world truly speak for themselves. Cousin Alexis
During my career, I noticed that some of the saddest children are those born to "substance abusers". At this point, I need to point out that since the advent of the nuclear arms race and accompanying economic drain placed on society in the United States by the militarism that brought about our current nuclear weapons complex, we are all being affected by "substance abuse". Nuclear weapons maintained to protect our access to "cheap oil" is a form of substance abuse. It often does not appear that we can see what we are doing to ourselves...being addicted to cheap oil and ruining the environment is like an alcoholic who quits drinking only after destroying his liver. My hope is that we can wake up and divert ourselves before current Middle East tensions erupt in a way which will harm all of us. Cousin Alexis
I am beginning to research the viability of converting my older vehicle to run on electricity. The economic downturn has caused bus routes that I had depended upon to cease running.
There are individuals in communities learning the technologies involved to make these adaptations.
Cousin Alexis
Once I worked as a union organizer, a job I attempted with a sense of gratitude that the United States provides that employment to people who have an interest in bringing about social justice without the use of physical violence. Our highly developed legal system made it possible to participate in that way in our economy. I struggle with the reality that violent revolution against British economic exploitation was at the inception of the United States as a country, and I struggle with knowing that many of our most developed military technologies have dual use between military purposes and civilian purposes. Cousin Alexis
Given that I still am unable to identify all but one person who was purportedly involved in the home invasion we experienced in March of 2006, I can only guess as to who has access to our personal information. Some of the books that I thought may have been missing are actually on the premises. One of them is a book of photos by a woman named Carole Gallagher showing victims of nuclear testing experiments here in the United States. For some reason, I continue to be able to enter information on this blog spot. Given that computers, and especially the Internet are the special domain of intelligence communities and I am putting out information that may not be appreciated by our own, I wonder about this. Fortunately, it is unlikely that my communications with Scott were used to kill anyone, but that can never really be assured when using a computer. This is completely public domain information...but even my ramblings on without professional documentation are a sad reflection of disillusionment with a country I once thought loved me. If these ramblings of mine don't at least inspire compassion...hopefully they at least inspire a grudging respect. Cousin Alexis
Every class has someone willing, or even trying to be the "example"....often in my early life...I wound up being an example. Since many of us will admit that self interest is at the heart of our survival instincts, and that we are looking at global extinction rates which now threaten human lives, according to the United Nations, then one comfort that I suppose I and many others have, who have tried to "sound the alarm" so to speak on global and national environmental problems is that we are not the only examples. Cousin Alexis
There are ten....commandments....and I was taught to seriously reflect upon them. I have always thought afuera la caja, whoops, n0 re-spellings today. The linguistic equivalent of well--- since I was taught to take those commandments seriously, but cannot find any way to spell these days, I will have to demure. Words can be hurtful, and it pays to be aware. Cousin
down winder, down-winder, downwind-er, down winder, down winder.......we are all, already down winders....perhaps some more linguistic training would be in order...perhaps an economic system, somewhere that does not compel compliance by use of what makes us all already down winders....perhaps we could think more about those to come in the future...perhaps....O, yes, I forgot to sign... Cousin Alexis
No recuerdo me nombre hoy, no recuerdo para ti....I always found interesting ways to amuse myself while I recovered from the latest...shall we say incursion into my ability to express myself...the example can actually speak....speak, speak....speak....speak....speak. They say resistance is futile...what do you think? O yes, I remember now...Cousin Alexis
One, two buckle your shoe...three four, there is a knock at the door...five six, it is just a little trick...seven eight....can they ever play it straight?...nine ten....o relief...it is only a big fat hen...looks pretty good...shall we do it again? Cousin Downwinder aqui en los Estados Unidos....sometimes I suffer the horror of misspelling the obvious...I just need to ask for a little help...Ayuda...Cousin A
Hablo Ingles...perro no hablo the languages of the truly currently indigenous souls, whose lives are in peril...and who are also down winders like you and me...tea for two and two for ti.... La Prima....o yes, we only speak the king's English here in the stepchild of the British Empire...so thoroughly trained to take over as the colonizers...we speak English here....but I get confused so easily here in the tierra of the free....adios, Alexis
Language itself is all about the "intuitive leap"...words signify what we agree for them to signify in a sense...so the realities we attempt to describe through words are much larger than the words themselves..."allocative efficiency and "productive efficiency" seem to be favored terms in current North American economic theory...except that our models never seem entirely capable of actually describing the world and universe. Cousin Alexis
After looking at the sadness involved in the war and conflict in Colombia, and reflecting on what we human beings lose when we continue to reject contemporary science regarding global warming and other environmental dilemmas, it seems apparent that paradigm shift with regard to energy resources is and should be imminent. Unfortunately, due to the amount of research which has gone into converting energy sources into weapons, it is apparent that a lot of time has been wasted which could have been used learning to adapt technologies which seem to be necessary, and could possibly be beneficially adapted as we move away from dependence on fossil fuel. For example, it has been theorized that nuclear fuel of the type used in power plants could have been researched to the point that continuous recycling of the fuel may have been capable of rendering the waste inert, or largely inert. That type of research, to my knowledge has not been accomplished. Instead, North American civilians and others were exposed to byproducts of weapons testing in an indiscriminate manner...experiments which cannot be undone. This seems an unfair burden to have been placed on our citizens. One of the reasons I admired Andre Sakharov was because he was able to see the obscenity involved with exposing large numbers of people to weapons tests which endangered the lives of people indiscriminately. He loved his country and the citizens which lived in it. His form of protest did not involve security breeches which would have endangered others, and he addressed his concerns directly to his own government. Only after his own government failed to heed his warnings did he then turn to the international community. Much was made of his protests here in the United States, but rarely were the citizens of our country informed that the dangers which Mr. Sakharov foresaw were dangers in an equal sense to United States citizens, as well as to citizens of other countries where atmospheric weapons testing took place. Cousin Alexis
With regard to oil...the current governor of California, after being in office for sometime, seems to be reaching similar conclusions to others in public office who become unpopular. He is becoming more interested in the effects of environmental damage on the future...but his popularity ratings are now very low. It would be inaccurate to attribute his lack of current popularity to his growing concern for the environment, but it does seem to be the case that voters are not interested in voting for people who confront us with facts we don't want to hear. A visit to Ireland is instructive...Ireland is dotted with gravestones which cover the graves of people who were quite young when they died. These young people had died because their economy had become dependent on one crop, the potato. When the crop of potatoes became infected, the entire economy collapsed, and people starved. That is just one example of a society which placed too much importance on one sole resource, and there are other examples of similar types of mistaken planning. Our national dependence on oil seems to have a similar characteristic to the familiar, but fatal Irish dependence on the potato. Instead of using present world reserves of oil to literally fuel wars with others over it, would it not make more sense to use these reserves to assist in the development and maintenance of alternative energy infrastructure? Change is inevitable. Wars will not change fossil fuel away from being a nonrenewable resource. Cousin Alexis
To say it another way, war will not alter the fact that fossil fuel is a nonrenewable resource. Non renewable means when it is used up...it is all gone...no more...nothing left in the ground...finished. We change how we do things...and/or we can kill the messengers. Even if the messengers are not with us anymore, we will still need to confront the need to change. Change is one fact of existence that is in fact, a constant. Cousin Alexis
Galileo recanted rather than continue to bother the "powers that be" with the facts as he saw them...many who suspect current problems will do the same when faced with massive denial on the part of others. I relish risk taking to express myself little in comparison with the descent into madness which can occur when denying the obvious...or what seems to be the obvious. The future seems to be in peril from human activities...whether I like that fact or not. Cousin Alexis
"Many people don’t comprehend the results misleading effects. I understood what you meant. It can be far more effective to provide people small thoughts and opinions with information right here. I acknowledge this trouble but with little clue, so we must experience the theme together. With new assurance, we desire that the ability of other categories can be observed together. Nice people today can work with great people today, and excellent useful resource is crucial for us in analyzing the situation. I’ve studied for more than 4 years to evaluate them, however the truth nonetheless can not be found. As a way to do that, we have to cope with the changes of management resources. With so a lot of options here, we can build new tips for solving to trouble. Let’s give thoughts and opinions, let’s talk about them, we can acquire cost with our resources. The final a person but not least, I assistance your analyzes to confront new a single. With quite a few resources that we are able to gather, all of them can be handled effectively."
my website is
Also welcome you!
There is much good happening, when I look for it, and lessons of prior eras continue to need integration. The dynamics of conflict are changing and I will need to continue to learn. This website is helpful to my journey and I appreciate it being maintained...although, like many who are over fifty years old, I am quite challenged to learn from those younger than myself. Thanks again for insights on this site. Cousin Alexis
When I viewed the video of Scott, in my view performing the ritualistic "presente" mantra on one of his speaking tours from a presentation about Colombia, I had a horrible feeling. It was as if we Americans had begun to ritualize the abuse that we have had a hand in perpetrating over the years. Also, where and when do we try to dignify the lives of the perpetrators... who act out dehumanization because we lack enough models or enough "heart" to do things differently? I think often about our allies who depend upon us in situations where they want a better way than abuse. Perhaps we should just go in and say...can we give you a hand? I mean, why not...just give them a hand...a severed hand, or something else which has been left behind by some war machine...instead of "present"...how about...would you like a hand?....or how many hands would you like? Why not just be honest about the situation and get on with the "job"...so what do you think, Scott. Just for the sake of reality...maybe we could just ask Karzai for example how many hands? Cousin
But my concern is not really about hands this morning...it is about the carapace of a cockroach...Scott, you have to have had that early lesson that we in Sacramento were trained to understand. Only a cockroach would survive...but do they have a carapace? How many genes in the carapace of a cockroach...because, in terms of survival, we might want to think about that if Karzai does not want any border assistance. Cuz
Now, if I were a rich man, I would be able to reproduce the correct inflection, when vocally reproducing Klezmer music, and if I had the correct genetic phenotype from my Mother's side of the family I would know how to find the number of genes in the nucleus of cockroach. The prim a Donna cousin from Peru. Yes, Scott...you have a cousin there too.
Now, if I were a rich man, I would be able to reproduce the correct inflection, when vocally reproducing Klezmer music, and if I had the correct genetic phenotype from my Mother's side of the family I would know how to find the number of genes in the nucleus of cockroach. The prim a Donna cousin from Peru. Yes, Scott...you have a cousin there too.
Apologies, I began having problems finding my Bible...and repeated a stroke. Cuz
The number of Mormons in Utah may just equal the square root of the size of...we Catholics never think about that, and the woman across the street speaks three languages including one beginning with the letter Alpha, Alpha, Alpha, Alpha, and we need to give them a message...because I did go to see Teller....Beta, Beta, Beta....across the time zones, across....Beta, Alpha, and no one speaks. Cuz
So how do we mobilize for change here in the most developed, well possibly the most highly developed technical infrastructure the world has ever seen. So I ask myself, Scott...just how does it fly....how does it fly...across times zones into the place we have never seen and I ask myself...Who is the current President? Where is the Map, and which way do we orient ourselves when the time comes. I might also ask which unions I would join, and the credential levels of each celebrated...or was that castrated? It was not the only church in history to do that...I mean the Chinese haven't even heard of Cheese-its, and they made sure to alter the young....so think of that next time you check out another senorita. Cuz
Time zones, time zones, time zones, and my father was in the sky and the Russian Bear was not playing...the logos of change are yet to emerge from the still obscene wreckage of the age we, the Eagle and the Bear enticed into being....and yet the stars are still in the sky...and Universes seem to call a better world into being...Now, footnote each syllable with country of origin, and relevant statistics about health. Find a logo and redeem it from whatever double (the route word is from a Latin base) may have crossed into your waking moments, then come back after the fifteen minute break and take the call from your next friend or relative who is yes, newly diagnosed. Cuz
Because the fact is that, any one of you reading this blog could make an entire thesis, perhaps through the doctoral level, by analyzing the root and root derivatives of perhaps one word...given that a small syllable changes the connotation, and as the connotations change, there is an indication that a new idea has entered the realm of human consciousness. Perhaps new pictures and a new window would be helpful now...since Scott has moved to a new location...but then, I wouldn't want anyone killed or injured due to my communication with my cousin, and I have had an incredible fear, each time he returns to Colombia that my communications are being used to destroy people, environments, and ecosystems by uneducated affiliates of some militaristic North American adventure who have access to technology, but lack the competence to really have a high regard for what they do...ugly Americans....very ugly....but Scott has moved on...maybe we could have a new window...more neutral...something in Russia? Or are we still allying ourselves with the obscene desire to dominate which characterized the Cold War...and certainly did exist on many sides of those conflicts. Let's think about it. I am tired of this ugliness....because in an effort to contain my personality, the images coming through on my television, in part as a result of this blog, I believe, are frankly, horrifying...haven't we had enough of this????????Cousin Alexis
Let's be totally honest...we here in Sacramento might actually continue to ask just exactly how does it fly when the fecal material hits the fan. I for one, still can't find my current Map, and haven't managed to find the correct pattern for my latest knitted extravaganza involving...you guessed it, the international community. Cuz
Hi, i just want to say hello to the community
I think it was former President Ike...married to grandma Mamie (Mamie????....so she went off to war and came home with a wonderful nickname????) Anyway, there was a quote from Ike about humanity hanging from a cross of Iron. Good speech considering the build up of weapons which was ushered in by Ike and Mamie. Another interesting holiday season here in California...I have to admit, I ran. Alexis
I sometimes consider entering thoughts on this site to be almost a penitential act. The unedited, inane nature which emerges sometimes in my comments defies my sense of the true and important nature of the topics I attempt to address. My full and wonderful experiences of life have included many people with cancer and other genetic illness in family members...but knowing about the weapons which did create similar problems in countless families, if not in mine, is humbling. Cousin Alexis
The holiday season is over for many, but for those who celebrate various Christian traditional rites the world over, it will continue throughout January with various feasts and celebrations. The beauty of the night sky, however, is difficult to rival by human activities. I had an opportunity to travel to the Northern reaches of California, as I needed to have some distance between myself and the gang crime and violence which have been afflictions here in Sacramento. Hopefully, Scott received the card I sent to him. When I left on the trip, I was actually planning a destination a bit closer to home, but due to the fortunately mild weather and lack of chain requirements, I was able to ascend Donner Pass easily and enjoyed some time close to the Nevada border...beautiful country!
January in California continues to be quite beautiful. I can never fully describe the wonders of this planet. I was told that my intensity this holiday seemed frightening to some, but fear and puzzlement are as much a part of the human condition as are a sense of the awesome power of the universe, an acknowledgment of the power of love, and gratitude for life, so I will provide a general apology here for having caused any unpleasant anxiety. Regards, Alexis
Now, I confront my "darker side"...I have decided to run for President myself, so that I can be the one safely underground when the time comes. Perhaps the Germans were more effective than we realized. We in the United States, and also several other countries, dropped nuclear weapons on our own land masses because we were afraid the Germans would do so first. Fallout is an ozone depleter...Global Warming, anyone? The Cousin
The nuclear accident in Japan points out again how much destruction happens when an ignorant attitude toward nuclear fuel prevails...how much of this accident could have been prevented if the human race had not been using nuclear resources for weapons? I am wondering about the wherabouts of my cousin. Alexis
The other day, my Dad and I were looking through family pictures. Sadly our families have become estranged and distant from each other over time. Just recently my StepDad died. He was an activist with Service Employees International in his earlier years, and a son of Ireland. His passing is making me aware of how short life is. Where is Scott? Alexis
My experience in this country...North America, is that United States citizens are believing that if the messengers who point out and decry the failures of our economic system are destroyed, then our problems will be abated. I am myself lulled into such tragic delusion, and don't mourn the death of Osama Bin Laden, but "cheap oil", not human rights concerns, have been too much the motivator for American Policy in the Middle East. Bin Laden was a messenger for the angry...destroying him likely increases the anger. It appears that violence will beget more violence, and will not solve the problems in North America which seem to involve over consumption of the world's energy resources, and the likely global climate change which is harming the interests of many. Cousin Alexis
I am fascinated by news of the Queen of England visiting Ireland. Anglo-American Capitalism is a system which is amazingly adept at "peaceful" shows of unity when economic interests are involved. British Colonialism, fortunately, continues to dissolve internationally...but not after centuries of oppression that are only too recently remembered by those whose families were forced to adapt to it. For many, the collapse of the livelhoods and the loss of health of the environment in the ocean off of Louisiana brought about by British Petroleum is representative of an economic system developed to benefit the few at the expense of the environment and the human race as a whole. Eventually,change of this Machiavellian system will come- or perish together as fools in the human community will be our fate. I haven't heard from Scott recently....perhaps the lapse of contact has to do with the fact that I am unsure whether my occaisonal personal correspondence to him has been in any way of assistance. Conversations which do not apologize or overlook the "dark sides" of our econoimic system seem difficult to maintain via the internet, as it may be the largest sureillance system our form of government has ever instituted. Cousin Alexis
I seem to be an excellent speller, except when blogging....letters slip from the words. Amazing!!!Alexis
Awhile back, I glanced around the people present at the Sacramento Friends Meeting and noticed the health problems which included people with blindness and one person with a withered arm. As it turned out, the blindness had appeared for these people after weapons testing was initiated here on our own continent, and was suspected to be a cause of it. Everyone has adapted...went ahead with education, and careers, remained childfree... and yet we continue to wonder why these problems exist for us. The endlessly cheerful televison advertisments can cause one to feel embarassed to have misgivings about the true nature of reality in this North American former British Colony. Many of our ancestors fled other countries, and yet we still found ourselves somehow "used" again, as downwinders, which we accepted in our naive patriotic affection for this country. I share these feelings to let others who may experience these feelings know that you are not alone. Unfortunately, the nature of religion in America seems often to obscure what should be a healthy anger and ability to respond...Christianity is used to lull us into an acceptance of what should not be accepted...and yet I turn to a Christian heritage myself in order to find a way to forgive us for our continued harm to ourselves and the environment. I believe that it is to contain our rage as citizens for having our lives misused that we are now watched. I continue to speak...to find a way to health and healing, and to let our international handlers know that I am a sentient being. Cousin Alexis
Today I am, once again, grappling with "family" photographs. I need to tidy up the house, and once again am puzzled about what to do with these photos. Over the years I have been given many pictures of people who perhaps could have been common family to Scott and I had we known each other. Frequently, I don't know the relatives in these pictures, and my guess is that my cousin doesn't either. I find this puzzling...and I suspect it to be possible that the lack of connection and community these pictures represent in my life may have something to do with the way our economic life is structured. Capitalism seems to deify a sense of competition, and although many of us who descended from ancestors from Scotland and Ireland who live now in North America are often materially properous, many of us lack closenss to each other and a true sense of community. I still don't know what to do with these pictures...it seems they should be important to us. At this point these pictures continue to be relics of a family I never knew.
Is there a way to change this? At his point, it seems unlikely to change, and yet I cannot bring myself to simply dipose of these pictures...why do they call to me? Perhaps I am "blaming" our economic system for something in our family, or in myself, which is a spiritual lack...but then, our family seems characteristic of many families in North America who lack an understanding of heritage and are scattered and separated. I am placing these comments on a public blog spot because there is so little private communication, and because the situation in our family with regard to a loss of heritage and connection to each other seems somehow common place in North America. In Colombia, people often to maintain a sense of community and often seem to value family even in the midst of war. It can seem that we here are more impoverished than they are although we have more materially. Cousin Alexis
I have been attempting to read in order to disguise a sense of dis-ease with the current political order and what it does to our spirits...our souls...and our emotional lives. As much affection as I have for the men I have listened to as I have lived here, the more I have to own the damage the North American culture does to our men...those who resist being acculturated toward militarisim often resort to alcohol or are destroyed psychologically by being unable to make a living.
After having earned a "B" in a Macroeconomics class, I found myself nonplussed when I took the Microeconomics class...terms like "negative externalities" were offensive. Those terms were minimizing harms done, as if it is entirely acceptable to dismiss wide spread harm, when caused by corporations as somehow accidental.As a downwinder, I reject implications that negative effects on our ecosystems are to be minimized and ignored as part of the incental "costs" of doing business. Cousin Alexis
Incidental costs is misspelled in the early insert...which reminds me of Bill Clinton...and a woman almost young enough to be his own daughter....and of course the former Governor of California...Shwarzenneger..having a wonderful time exploiting his native born North American wife. I became confused when I read something about Pat Nixon on an email from Scott. She died of lung cancer in 1993...but then, Arnold probably knows that there are few women more expendable than North American women...Edward Teller...tell her...misspellings aside!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Analyze this.Cuz
In case I don't have an opportunity to be back to this site for awhile, I want to clarify that despite the harms being done to our planet by our species- there is alot of evidence that we are in the process of learning by our mistakes and that the universe is filled with creativity. The power of love exists. We human beings can choose life over death...sometimes I get lost in a sense of spiritual darkness as my comments can illustrate. If I despair, I choose to side with spiritual destructivenss. I need to remember to have a sense of gratitude for having been given life. Yet, I do speak out even with my imperfections in place becaue it seems better than keeping my struggles silent. If I speak, then others can learn- even if my testimony about my experiences is not comfortable for others to hear and experience. Cousin Alexis
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